On Saturday September 21st, I again subjected myself to the hardest and most demanding event I’ve ever experienced. For those who may remember, in April 2018 I travelled to San Diego and participated in a 5 day Navy Seal Boot Camp with 11 others in support of Baycrest of which the last 2 days were a 24 hour beat fest. I’m pleased to say that I was the second last one standing.
BAYCREST SEALFIT came to Canada in 2019 for the very first time and along with 41 other brave souls we endeavoured to last 6, 12 or 24 hours. Together we sweated and strained and grunted through and beyond our physical limits; all the while being cold, wet and sandy and we raised over $300k. Although I wanted to complete the full 24 hours and my mind and spirit were willing, after 12 hours of near non stop punishment my body said NO !!!
Again, I can’t thank you enough for you untiring and unwavering support of me and my efforts on behalf of BAYCREST!